written by Anthony Boynes
Overall impression Being primarily a Windows user, I must say that Rebel 8.0 is one of the easiest to use DOS programs that I have encountered. The interface is well designed; simple yet easy to navigate. All of the features are easily accessible. It skips unnecessary bell and whistles and provides what you need.
The adjustable ELO strength setting is one of nicest things for a lower rated player like myself. Trying to figure how Rebel is playing weaker helps me to figure out how I could improve my own play. Being able to have a gauge as to how much improvement I may be making helps to keep the frustration down when I do lose.
I like the ability to analyze games that I have imported into a database, one right after the other. Going over old games and comparing them to newer games against the same opponents I can see definite differences in my approach. Its also nice to look at the games of strong players and compare differences of style for the same positions.
Being able to load a selected opening book is great for exploring the openings that I am most comfortable with, while giving me the opportunity to see how I might transpose to something different.
I most enjoy Rebel 8.0 ease of use. The analysis is also of great help in seeking out improvements for my play.
The only thing I don't like about Rebel 8.0 is not being able to play over a single PGN game by itself without inserting it into a database first. I would to be able to decide later whether I want it in the database.
Last update August 12,1996