This window will show you data of the encyclopedia you have loaded. The width and number of lines are flexible.
Depending on the number of lines and the width of the window you have defined, you will be supplied with information.
The first line(s) will contain the possible next move(s) that are found in the encyclopedia. Example from the beginning of a game:
"e2e4 116 130 71 (57,1%) 317 2594 2644 0.11 E40 King's
The second set of lines contains again the specific move(s) and an overview of how many times the world's strongest and well-known chess players used it. This (besides the % and quick Rebel score) is your main guide to judge if a move is good enough to play. Bottom line, if Kasparov has played a move 11 times then it is logical to assume the move is ok!
You can scroll through this information with the (arrows of the) scrollbar.
Clicking on a specific move will execute this move.