- Improved version (?) -

Games played with a new version
Here you can find the first promising test results of a hopefully improved version of the REBEL 8.0 chess engine. For the moment we have called this version Test vesion 97.1 or simply TV97.1

The difference between the commercial version Rebel 8.0 and this first test version is search and evalution related. The goal is to get the maximum out of todays faster Pentium machines. So we hope to see a (much) better performance on faster machines, such as the Pentium PRO 200 Mhz than on relative slow (?) Pentium 90 Mhz machines!!

Till now it looks like we managed again to make a new ELO jump for the successor of Rebel 8.0 but we strongly advice to be careful to draw premature conclusions since the games played sofar are too less yet.

Also results can be influenced by the number of different opponents played and sofar only a few opponents are included in the testing of the promising TV97.1 version.

The results of the TV97.1 test version look as follows:

     MATCH         Pentium 90 Mhz      Pentium 200        Pentium PRO 200

TV97.1 - Genius3   28.5 - 34.5         42.0 - 26.0        40.0 - 26.0

TV97.1 - Genius5   40.0 - 32.0         43.0 - 39.0        44.0 - 26.0

TV97.1 - Mchess5                                          16.0 -  6.0

TV97.1 - Mchess6   17.5 - 13.5         20.0 - 13.0        22.5 -  8.5

TV97.1 - Hiarcs4   40.0 - 25.0                            33.5 - 28.5

TV97.1 - Hiarcs5   33.0 - 27.0                            37.5 - 26.5

Matches in progress

  • TV97.1 - Hiarcs5 (PP200) finished in 20.0 - 13.0
  • Hiarcs5 - TV97.1 (PP200) finished in 13.5 - 17.5

  • TV97.1 - Genius5 (P200) finished in 22.5 - 13.5
  • Genius5 - TV97.1 (P200) finished in 25.5 - 20.5

  • TV97.1 - Hiarcs5 (P90) finished in 19.5 - 14.5
  • Hiarcs5 - TV97.1 (P90) finished in 12.5 - 13.5

    Testing of TV97.1 is hereby finished. In the meantime we are working on TV97.2 and also several (book)learning systems are tested now.

    Click here to view the REBEL8 - TV 97.1 comparison!

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    Since November 23, 1995

    Last update April 19,1997