
- DIAZ Cartoons -

DIAZ Cartoons since many years designs chess cartoons which were published in many chess magazines. Besides on the official DIAZ Cartoons Home Page you can view here a compilation of the DIAZ artwork.

More cartoons of DIAZ can be found by switching to the Rebel Home Page in cartoon mode

Click on the small picture to see the full picture.


REBEL favorite links

Tim Krabbe's chess curiosities.

The Tiger in the Rebel tank.

Anand vs Rebel the announcement

Anand vs Rebel the details

Anand vs Rebel day one

Anand vs Rebel day two

Anand vs Rebel day three

Anand vs Rebel through the eyes of DIAZ

World Championship Munich, 1993

The future of Chess?


GM Yasser Seirawan, computer killer

Cartoons and Characterizations are the exclusive property of the Schröder BV and or DIAZ Cartoons and may not be used without written permission of the author.

More cartoons of DIAZ can be found by switching to the Rebel Home Page in cartoon mode

The Rebel Home Page has been visited times.
Since November 23, 1995