REBEL users will have access to the REBEL SUBSCRIBE pages where you can download the
latest grandmaster games of recent tournaments, opening books, utilities, special databases,
patches and so on.
To get access to REBEL SUBSCRIBE you need the registration number as found on the manual
and fill-in the entry from at the end of this page.
Within one week you will get email from Rebel Company how to get access to this special
place on the Rebel Home Page.
Click HERE to view interesting older
downloads from previous years.
What is planned for 2001?
- The latest (grand) master games of recent tournaments that will update your REBEL-BASE,
currently 800.000 games with 15,000 - 20,000 games.
- Update of Rebel Century 2.0 engine running under Rebel-Tiger II to Rebel Century 3.0
- Major update Chess Tiger chess engine, stronger and Nalimov table base support.
- Extra CAT databases.
- New Piece Sets for Rebel-Tiger II (available).
- Special GAMBIT opening book for REBEL and TIGER (available for REBEL).
- 100 Years of Chess, a historical database (available).
- DutchBase, 28,000 dutch games (available).
- GIDEON PRO, our first one for the PC (1993) (available).
- ERT, special tool to play engine-engine matches (available).
- Update Lokasoft chess engine with full Namilov table tabe support (available).
- Opening books for ECTOOL6 (available).
- And more.
What is new:
- Analyze Selected Games. From the database select the games you want to
analyze, go to the UTILITIES menu and select ANALYZE SELECTION.
- Analyze Database. Select the database you want to analyze, go to the
- Analyze game, now analyses 4 moves (was 2 moves). More power when analysing your games or
grandmaster games, REBEL will analyze now 2 extra alternative moves. This without hardly any
noticeable time loss.
- Bugfixes and new features in the Personalities:
- Loading/Saving Personalities now without information loss.
- DEEP/DEEPER/DEEPEST working again.
- Added [ANTI-GM] for the use in engine-engine matches.
- Added [SMART EVAL] for more secure positional play.
- Added [SEARCH = NULLMOVE] for more secure search.
- Added [PRUNE] for more effective pruning.
For optimum use of the new parameters see the README.TXT file.
A stronger chess engine is included, roughly 20-30 elo better on longer time controls.
Also included is a modified version of the PCM personality of Gert Wallander which
adds another 10-15 elo points to REBEL.
CAT update
CAT (Computer Analysis Tool) is a new type of database similar to the EOC approach. While EOC
chess trees focus on human games CAT is a chess tree for computer analysis only. CAT is the
way to organize your computer-computer databases (games and/or positions).
Rebel Century 3.0 is equipped with the standard CAT database COMPCOMP containing 143,775
analyzed positions on long time controls. This CAT database will be frequently updated
with new analyzed positions.
- Update-1: 27,000 new positions, source mainly from SSDF games.
- Update-2: 149,000 new positions, purpose opening study, source
CAP project by Danniel Corbit. This download of 4.5 Mb will double the size of the default
CAT database as found on the Rebel 11.0 cdrom to over 300,000 positions.

Operating instructions in the subscription area also added a FAQ to the
CAT pages
Special CAT databases
Various other CAT databases that shows you the power of CAT.
- TEST SUITES: 7700 positions containing deep analysis of all the known so called test-suites.
Using this database Rebel instantly will find most of the often difficult key-moves.
Installation and operating instructions in the Subscription area.
GAMBIT opening book
Brandnew opening book by Jeroen Noomen.
A 'wild', open and vicious book, full of gambit
lines, less known variations and a lot more variety then the normal standard REBEL book. Enjoy
yourself and have fun!
Some lines to mention: Marshall gambit, Volga gambit, Evans gambit, King's gambit, Trompovsky,
Budapest defence, Belgrade gambit, Sicilian Dragon, Sicilian English attack, Dutch Defence,
Alekhine's Defence, Philidor (including gambit lines), Ruy Lopez Siesta attack, 1. b3 and many,
many more!
FREE and availabe now from the subscription area.
100 Years of Chess 1824-1938
A Chess Historical Database - the early days of chess - Main tournaments, matches,
exhibition- and simultaneous games during the period 1814-1938 are presented. This
database contains more than 27.000 games. In this Historical Base you will not only
find classics, but also lesser known tournaments and matches that are not in the
big databases yet. For creating cross tables, some blank games are included.
PART-I 1850-1899 (6450 games) (610 Kb)
View statistic (included in download)
PART-II 1900-1909 (5008 games) (470 Kb)
View statistic (included in download)
PART-III 1910-1919 (2467 games) (220 Kb)
View statistic (included in download)
PART-IV 1920-1929 (5520 games) (530 Kb)
View statistic (included in download)
PART-V 1930-1938 (7297 games) (730 Kb)
View statistic (included in download)
DUCTH-BASE 1851-2000
A Chess Historical Database - the early days of chess - Major Dutch events, tournaments,
matches, exhibition- and simultaneous games during the period 1851-2000 are presented. This
database contains more than 28,000 games (in over 500 important chess events). In DUTCH-BASE
you will not only find classics, but also lesser known tournaments and matches that are not
in the big databases yet but all these tournaments are held in Holland. For creating cross
tables, some blank games are included.
The complete DUTCH-BASE is about 70,000 games and will be presented on one of our next
cdrom products. To avoid long downloading times DUTCH-BASE for now is limited to the main
important 28,000 games and the download size already exceeds amply 2 Mb.
This database is one of the life-works of Wybe Koopmans author of the REBEL database who
spend more than 2 years making DUTCH-BASE.
DUTCH-BASE (28,000 games) (2.2 Mb)
View statistic (included in download)
Gideon PRO
Gideon Chess, our first chess program for the PC (1993). Gideon although at the time
running on a RISC processor became world champion in Madrid 1992 where it beat all the
big-irons. A collectors item!
Availabe now from the subscription area.
Winning personalities (1)
The 3 winners of PART-II of the contest are:
- Eric Campos, his Q3 personality scored an incredible elo of 2995! Eric receives $400.
- Jeff Lischer, his personality scored an elo of 2965, Jeff collects $200.
- Christian BONNIN, his MACHEID personality scored an elo of 2940. Christian gets
the small jackpot of $100.
Besides testing the personalities on the provided TACTICS database we also tested the 3 winning
personalities on 2 well known sets BS2830 and LCT-II. Rebel Century's default elo is included
in the statistic. The statistic is based by running Rebel Century on a Pentium-II 266 Mhz.
Rebel Century 2450 2538 2450
Q3 2995 2717 2550
Jeff Lischer 2965 2704 2580
Macheid 2940 2672 2602
We also like to recommend the WA8 personality of Walter Anema and the EXNER
personalitity of Howard Exner. Especially the WA8 personality excels in simpleness as the
only changes to Rebel's default settings are:
[Attractiveness = 200]
[Attacking = 500]
[Search Technique = RISKY]
The WA8 and EXNER personalities score remarkable stabile:
Rebel Century 2450 2538 2450
WA8 2700 2673 2615
EXNER 2715 2699 2575
The WA8 and EXNER personalities are included in the download too. Have a lot of
tactical fun!
Winning personalities (2)
Rebel Company also has rewarded 2 special personalities for playing games because they
have a very interesting playing style. During our testing we noticed that some of the
personalities people contributed changed Rebel into a brilliant chess player at some stages
of a game. It is a pity these engines in other areas of the game could not compete against the
rock solid default settings of Rebel Century.
- Marc van Hal his Alexander Alekhine personality plays brilliant chess at times. It
is a real pleasure to play against this personality. This personality plays a kind of
bluff chess, it scatters with pawns as soon as it smells your king or notices
other positional advantages. Marc receives $200.
- Howard Exner his personality for tactics is already mentioned and available for
download from the Rebel Home Page. His engine for playing games did not bad at all in the
contest and was close to a 100% score. The nice thing about this engine is its very natural,
balanced and strong attacking style. Howard receives $100.
Downloading these 2 special personalities you can change your Rebel Century into an even
more attractive opponent to play against.
Engine research tool for REBEL-TIGER II
Available for download, a tool that allows engine / engine matches on a single computer of
any pair of Rebel-Tiger engines, this includes Winboard and Lokasoft engines too.
The tool requires ChessPartner or Rebel Tiger.
Update Lokasoft engine
Available for REBEL-TIGER owners; the Lokasoft standard engine with full Nalimov
table bases support.
Beware, the table base support is only for the Lokasoft engine and not for REBEL-TIGER II (yet).
11 new piece sets for REBEL-TIGER
A nice selection of new piece sets made by Fabio from Italy!
GAMBIT opening book for GAMBIT-TIGER 1.0
The popularity of the Gambit version of REBEL-TIGER II requires a similar opening book. This
giant job is done by Jeroen Noomen and a first GAMBIT BOOK for Gambit Tiger (5.2 Mb!)
is now available for download.
The Gambit Book has become a wild, open and vicious book, full of gambit lines, less known
variations and a lot more variety then the normal standard Tiger book. Enjoy yourself and
have fun!
Some lines to mention: Marshall gambit, Volga gambit, Evans gambit, King's gambit, Trompovsky,
Budapest defence, Belgrade gambit, Sicilian Dragon, Sicilian English attack, Dutch Defence,
Alekhine's Defence, Philidor (including gambit lines), Ruy Lopez Siesta attack, 1. b3 and many,
many more!
Now available for download from the subscription area.
Feedback wanted: While this is a first attempt to create a special book for Gambit Tiger's
challenging playing style we certainly can use some feedback, comments and played games by you.
Please feel free to contribute your games, feelings and comments on
Thanks in advance!
Major update REBEL 11.0
This update is the work of almost 5 months and is offered for free.
Its main advantage is an increase in playing strength estimated at 40-50 elo points above
the version on the REBEL 11 cdrom. Another extra 10-20 elo points should be added because
of the use of end-game table bases is now supported.
What's new in the chess engine
- Chess Tiger 14.0
- Gambit Tiger 2.0
- Support for the Nalimov tablebases.
- Improved search algorithm.
- Improved evaluation function.
- Extra Playing Styles: Aggressive, Suicidal
What's new in the User Interface
- Added book learning support.
- Book optimize application to make book access faster.
- Remembers last open database folder.
- Option to have both GUI and engine books active.
- Next best function now works with opening book.
- Added handicap option in levels.
- Reduced playing strength of the beginners levels.
- Support for external devices such as the DGT chessboard.
- Added new features playing on chess servers such as ICC/FICS.
- Much more, read the file RT2-UPD1.TXT after installation.
All details on this special page
Opening books for ECTool6 and Rebel Century 2.0
ECTool 6.0 with Rebel Century 2.0 is distributed with the opening book of Rebel 8 to limit
the download time. If you want a larger and more up-to-date opening book ECTool 6 users who
have subscribed can download the opening books of Rebel9, Rebel10 or even the one of Rebel
Rebel 8 16.227 135.108 871.404
Rebel 9 23.224 188.299 1.245.416
Rebel 10 32.195 252.018 1.703.046
Rebel Century 40.602 324.397 2.175.586
About REBEL opening books:
Rebel book author Jeroen Noomen over a period of more than 10 years build the
REBEL book. All moves are hand-typed and checked, no extraction of games. REBEL books are
always up-to-date having all the latest new opening theory.
One of the main advantages of the standard REBEL book is that it contains a lot
grandmaster analysis on critical positions of human theory. REBEL will play these
grandmaster analysis too and therefore REBEL is even able to surprise the most experienced
GM expert in opening theory since most of these lines are never tried in GM tournaments!
If you have purchased any REBEL product you can subscribe now and get access to the special place
on the Rebel Home Page. On your Blue Quick Guide of REBEL 11 you will find the unique
serial number of your copy of REBEL.
Enter this serial number together with your name and your email address in the form below
and click on the Click here to subscribe button. Within a week (mostly on Saturday's)
you will receive an email from us informing you how to get access to the Rebel FREE download
software area.