"Strain Among the Leaders..."
"Baltijos Lyga" commentary at a round table
Marijus Kulvietis: The third round was perhaps the most interesting one.
Nevertheless it had started with series of draws. A tone was given by a peaceful score
between the leaders SHREDDER and JUNIOR. Three other draws followed the mentioned one. What
doest it mean? A clash of the similar mighty?
GM B.Annakov: Why not? Let`s compare the human Swiss tournament. The third round is
the one when leaders are already brought to light and they try playing carefully to save
achieved preference. Nobody strives for a draw score purposely. Simply a very prudent game
is going on to reduce nervous strain and take care of the points.
Here we see a duel between the computers. They can`t think in such a way, but some similarity
is evident. Owing to the Swiss system the programs of the same might got coupled. The same
level naturally leads to the draw score. It may even be better than a lot of undeserved
victories in the first rounds as it had happened because of annoying mistake when at last
some program make in the very end of the game.
Marijus Kulvietis: We expect with a pride that the programmers will look over their
creatures trying to avoid the mistakes we criticized. And then instead of pure mistakes and
painful loses we will see more draws, I`m, of course, joking a little.
GM B.Annakov: It is really difficult to say how much the game of the same program can
be changed. However everybody knows that it can be. All the programs have got their "options"
e.g. "active style", "gambit style", "antiGM game" and etc. Say, my program was attacking
too boldly and made mistakes. I won`t allow it to play a gambit style.
Marijus Kulvietis: First draw happened in perhaps the central duel of this round
among two leaders SHREDDER-JUNIOR. We have waited for such a result or not ?
IM Vaidas Sakalauskas: Nothing had changed in my vision. I will try to see the
situation as if i were the SHREDDER fan. In this game SHREDDER was playing again as a tactical
fighter. It had played with white pieces. Shredder was really trying to get advantage, even
giving a pawn in the theory for a more active game. But solid JUNIOR was very correct and the
endgame went to a drawish position.
Game was interesting and at a rather good level. No super big mistakes. SHREDDER was active, but
it musn't feel unhappy as to find a spot in a JUNIORS defence -not so easy task. Dont forget
-JUNIOR-is a program loved by a great number of famous Grandmasters. Garry Kasparov among them.
Draw was a very right result in this case.
Marijus Kulvietis: Another tactical fighter GAMBIT-TIGER didnt manage to win against
less known PATZER.....Vaidas knows both programs...
IM Vaidas Sakalauskas: Gambit Tiger was playing as black in a rather slip and difficult
for computers Spanish game. 1) I think Gambit-Tiger has missed several ocassions to make game
more sharper and to try some more active and interesting game. 2) PATZER havent made too big
mistakes to loose rather silent game at the end. Also PATZER looks not bad from those programs
which we can call "less known for a wide audience".
Marijus Kulvietis: Lets talk about those "less known" programs. "Yace"-"ZCHESS" 0-1,
"GROMIT"-"Little Goliath" 1-0. Those results have put ZCHESS and GROMIT into a leaders group!
Isn`t it a sensation?
IM Oleg Krivonosov: From one side I can say bravo. Those facts have made the tournament
much more interesting! From the other side-please pay attention: both programs-ZCHESS and GROMIT
had a little bit easier and similar way to a leaders group in my opinion. In the 1-2 rounds
they both have gathered 1,5 points against less famous programs and in the round 3 their
victories were reached against less sound programs YACE and LITTLE GOLIATH.
I don't want to upset the programmers but simply I`m curious how ZCHESS and GROMIT will show
themselves against such programs as FRITZ, NIMZO, SHREDDER, JUNIOR. Against the programs that
are very well known to us-live masters.
Of course we cant ignore their achievement for today. And their results had made more tension
in a tournament crosstable and the tournament is simply more difficult to predict.
Read further
Marijus Kulvietis: I guess ZCHESS and GROMIT will be paired against those "sound"
programs very soon and I hope for an interesting battle. And the tension
was really growing in a round 3.
Nobody wants to die-so I would call it. Even MCHESS8 an old program had overplayed new hope
of Rebel company CHESSTIGER13. Organizators have claimed it as a sensation of a round 3.
IM Oleg Krivonosov: Our club has received the newest Rebel programs. "ChessTiger" and
"Century-3" among them. Honestly CHESSTIGER has disappointed me a little. Yes-it is made as a
tactical fighter. But when I tried to compare it with other programs myself-it seemed to me
playing as some GENIUS5-older version. In short not solid enough. Sharp, but the game not
GAMBIT-TIGER- which is representing as I understand REBEL company and is also created
as a tactical warrior- looks much more better in this tournament and I predict much better
results for Gambit Tiger.
Marijus Kulvietis: CENTURY-3 is the program representing REBEL cast and we know it
perfectly. Round 3 result : Century-3 has won vs Crafty and also joined the leaders group.
IM Oleg Krivonosov: O well, I think we know all Century program rather well
 After two live matches against CENTURY-1 we have
tried on our own skin how solid and difficult it is for a masters especially put on a strong
We have written about some mistakes that were made by Century-1 in a game vs Vaidas Sakalauskas
and in other games-but some of the mentioned mistakes are typicall for all the computers.
As for example in a game vs GM Darius Ruzele Century-1 had nearly a won position and missed a
draw. But many computers can't realize the endgame. In general we all remember CENTURY-1 as a
solid program.
And of course version CENTURY-3 must be stronger as more novelties added. I see nothing
strange that after a rather silent game CENTURY-3 has finally won a game and now it will battle
against the main favorites.
Marijus Kulvietis: The crosstable is very complicated and interesting as the famous
programs FRITZ, NIMZO, HIARCS seem to be recovering..?
GM Andrei Kharlov: What I predicted. It is impossible that such programs would stay at
the end of the table. Funny that Fritz has recovered after it was renamed to DEEPFRITZ
Of course we can prognoze some changes were made not only in the name.
Nevertheless DEEPFRITZ was clearly stronger in his 3 round game and had overplayed it`s
opponent. NIMZO has also won after it`s "unhappy game" in round 2 and shows it MUST be in a
leaders group. HIARCS is the only which is still standing not the best. But it had to play a
strong CHESSGENIUS program in round 3. And we cant accusse HIARCS for a draw. But I`m sure
HIARCS will recover as well.
All this makes a fine picture in the crosstable of course. All the sound programs are still not
other programs still not loosing chances as CHESSMASTER, CRAFTY, CHESSGENIUS...
Those programs are difficult to predict for me. And of course total mystery for me is the
leadership of such programs as GROMIT, ZCHESS and PATZER.
But all this shows how equal fight is going and we must be glad the tournament is extremely
interesting. The organizators of the ODYSSEY must feel happy. The event is really interesting.
Marijus Kulvietis: Yes. The tension in the leaders group is very big. Organizators
have pointed out several pairings for round 4 but for me all duels are very interesting in
a round 4. As all duels are extremely important for all the programs. Lets watch the round 4.
Back to the Odyssey main page
4. YACE 0.23, ZCHESS 2.2, 0:1
5. GROMIT 3.7.14, LTTLE-GOLIATH2000V3, 1:0
6. WCHESS2000, CHESSMASTER8000 1.0.1 0:1
9. ZARKOV4.5R, NIMZO8, 0:1
13. EUGEN7.92, SOCRATES X, ˝:˝
Download games of round-3 in PGN format.
Tournament: Odyssey-2001
Place Name Sco MBch Buch Ws
1-5 JUNIOR6A, (9) 2.5 2 5 2
SHREDDER5, (1) 2.5 1˝ 5˝ 2
REBEL-CENTURY3, (10) 2.5 1˝ 5 2
ZCHESS 2.2, (12) 2.5 1˝ 3˝ 2
GROMIT 3.8.1, (26) 2.5 1 3 2
6-10 PATZER311B, (17) 2.0 2 5˝ 1
GAMBIT-TIGER1.0, (2) 2.0 1 4 1
CHESSMASTER8000 1.0.1., (6) 2.0 1 3 2
DEEP FRITZ, (8) 2.0 1 2˝ 1
NIMZO8, (20) 2.0 ˝ 3˝ 2
11-16 CRAFTY 18.3, (19) 1.5 2˝ 7 1
COMET B32, (18) 1.5 1˝ 5 1
YACE 0.99.09, (24) 1.5 1˝ 5 1
CHESS SYSTEM TAL2.03, (14) 1.5 1˝ 4˝ 1
LITTLE-GOLIATH2000V3, (16) 1.5 1˝ 4˝ 1
MCHESS8, (23) 1.5 1 4 1
17-21 WCHESS2000, (15) 1.0 2 6˝ 0
GENIUS6.5 CZUB-STYLE, (21) 1.0 2 5 0
HIARCS7.01, (4) 1.0 1˝ 4˝ 0
GANDALF432H, (11) 1.0 1˝ 4 1
SHREDDER4 CHESSBITS, (5) 1.0 ˝ 2˝ 0
22-26 ZARKOV4.5R, (13) 0.5 2 5˝ 0
EUGEN7.92, (25) 0.5 2 5 0
REBEL-TIGER13, (3) 0.5 1˝ 5 0
VIRTUAL-CHESS2, (7) 0.5 1˝ 4˝ 0
SOCRATES X, (22) 0.5 1 4 0
Download all games of Odyssey 2001 in PGN format.