
-  Chess Tiger 15 strength -

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On this page we have collected some test results from Chess Tiger 15.

A lot of work has been done on endgame evaluation. CT15 is able to avoid the draw and win when CT14 would just get a draw, and in some cases CT15 gets a draw when CT14 would just lose the game. Below are a few positions where Tiger 14 does very poorly (or do not solve them at all), and that Tiger 15 solves very easily:

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rk6/pP1p4/K2p4/8/3P4/8/8/8 w - a3 0 1
CT14 doesn't see that after d5 Kc7 it has to play bxa8= B to avoid the draw. CT15 sees this instantly.

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8/6kP/8/3b1PK1/8/6N1/8/8 w - - 0 1
Same here.

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8/8/5k2/6bP/1K1N4/8/1B6/8 w - - 0 62
In this position, after playing Ne2+ Kf5 Bg7 Kf4 h6 Bxh6 CT14 displays a 0.00 score. CT15 has the correct evaluation.

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kB6/2K5/8/8/b3N3/8/8/8 w - -
CT14 is unable to solve this mate. CT15 solves it instantly without the use of tablebases.

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8/8/8/6Np/2N5/Pk6/6K1/8 w - a3 0 1
CT14 plays Ne5, which draws. CT15 plays the correct Ne4!

There has also been a lot of work to improve the search, but this is mainly visible in middlegame positions. We will post some samples later.

Some results obtained during the beta period (thanks to Sarah)
2 x TB 1400, 5 Piece tablebases, Autoplayed.

40/40 Tiger 15 Normal Style
+2 -2 =6 v Fritz 7 001
+3 -2 =5 v Hiarcs 8
+5 -1 =4 v Junior 7
+2 -2 =6 v Shredder Paderborn
+5 -2 =3 v Deep Fritz
+4 -2 =4 v Tiger 14.0
+4 -0 =6 v Gambit 2.0
+3 -2 =5 v Fritz 7 008
+3 -2 =5 v Shredder 6
+3 -3 =4 v Junior 6a
+6 -1 =3 v Crafty 18.15
+2 -1 =7 v Deep Fritz 7

Chess Fun Rating list october 2002
Minimum 70 games to qualify.
All 3,4 and 5 piece tablebases.
All programs using original books, excluding Crafty, SOS (CB) and Goliath Light
using general.ctg. Chessmaster 9000 includes games using general.ctg. Tiger 14
and Gambit 2.0 include games using Tiger.ctg and Ct.tbk.

All games minimum 30 mins, Majority 6700 over 60 mins.
Games are autoplayed ponder=on and single PC ponder=off.

    Program                    Elo    +   -   Games   Score   Av.Op.  Draws
 1 Tiger 15 normal style     : 2675   38  31   247    60.1 %   2604   42.5 %
 2 Deep Fritz 7              : 2669   42  40   194    60.8 %   2593   34.0 %
 3 Tiger 15 gambit agressive : 2665   51  49   133    61.3 %   2586   33.8 %
 4 Shredder Paderborn        : 2634   55  41   142    54.2 %   2604   38.0 %
 5 Fritz 7                   : 2634   23  20   652    59.3 %   2568   39.7 %
 6 Gambit Tiger 2.0          : 2624   22  18   768    58.7 %   2562   41.9 %
 7 Fritz 7 (No MMX)          : 2620   49  36   162    58.0 %   2564   44.4 %
 8 Chess Tiger 14.0          : 2616   24  18   672    56.4 %   2572   43.2 %
 9 Deep Fritz                : 2609   28  22   505    55.1 %   2573   36.6 %
10 Junior 7                  : 2608   31  26   448    52.6 %   2590   27.5 %
11 Hiarcs 8                  : 2603   34  50   188    48.4 %   2614   40.4 %
12 Chessmaster 9000          : 2601   40  62   126    49.6 %   2604   42.1 %
13 Ruffian 1.0.0             : 2597   57  41   150    50.3 %   2595   32.7 %
14 Gambit Tiger 1.0          : 2576   36  29   321    55.0 %   2541   33.3 %
15 Shredder 5.32             : 2567   49  35   203    50.2 %   2566   33.5 %
16 Gandalf 5.1               : 2565   34  48   191    47.1 %   2585   40.8 %
17 Fritz 6                   : 2561   19  14  1200    53.4 %   2537   36.6 %
18 Chess Tiger 13.0          : 2557   31  21   489    51.4 %   2547   41.1 %
19 Shredder 6                : 2557   30  44   246    49.4 %   2561   37.0 %
20 Deep Shredder             : 2554   42  51   156    44.2 %   2595   34.6 %

Thanks to Sarah

Ordering information

  • The CDROM version of Chess Tiger 15 cost $46. While waiting for the CD-ROM to arrive you still have the option to download at no additional charge. 
  • The download only version costs $39.
  • CDROM upgrade version costs $36.
  • Download upgrade version cost only $29

    Upgrade to Chess Tiger 15 is possible from the following older Rebel or Lokasoft versions:
    Rebel 11.0
    Rebel Century 4.0 Mega
    Gandalf 5.0
    ChessPartner 5.0   (From Lokasoft) 

    When ordering an upgrade be sure to have the original CD-ROMs as this is checked during the installation.

    EC customers add 19% V.A.T. for the CD-ROM versions. Pricing includes shipping and handling.
    Download size is 15 MB.

    ** Chess Tiger 15 has been sent to manuafacturing, CD-ROM version are expected in the 2nd week of october.
    Download versions will soon be available in our online store. **

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