Two leading chess programmers have joined forces. An unique new development in computer
chess. It surely will make both REBEL as CHESS-TIGER much stronger chess players. The
expectations are high.
The idea itself (to combine 17 and 16 years individual chess programming ideas) is
estimated to have a potential of at least 100-150 elo points progress. On this page
you can follow the results of the cooperation.
CHESS-TIGER Hall of Fame
- 2nd place in the French microcomputer championship in Oct 97.
- 3rd place in Paderborn (Germany)
Feb 98, beating 2 multiprocessor programs (Zugzwang and P.CoNNerS).
- 1st place in Torsten Schoop's amateur programs tournament (Sep 98).
- 3rd place in the French microcomputer championship (Sep 98).
- 1st place in the Spanish microcomputer championship (Sep 98).
- 1st place in Shep's 1998 championship III
A giant 40 moves in 2 hours computer-computer tournament that took 3 months to finsish
won by Chess Tiger version 11.5 running on 2 x PII-400, 128 MB. Games can be downloaded
from Shep's place.
Name ELO Score Place TPR
Rebel 10.0 EOC 2630 5,0 3 2655
MChess Pro 8.0 2580 3,5 8 2538
Hiarcs 7.0 2660 6,0 2 2734
Junior 5.0 2580 5,0 3 2661
Chessmaster 5555 2590 4,5 6 2617
Nimzo 98 2655 5,0 3 2652
Fritz 5.01/5.16 2575 4,0 7 2575
Chess Tiger 11.5 2645 6,5 1 2777
Virtual Chess II 2635 2,5 10 2446
Shredder II 2600 3,0 9 2491
1st place in Shep's BLITZ Championship '99
Shep Blitz Championship '99 won by Chess Tiger 11.5, 10 minutes per game on P6-233/K6-233
machines, Tiger scores 10.5/14, 2 points ahead of Hiarcs 7. Tiger is the first program ever to
hold both the Standard and the Blitz title at SCCS. Games can be downloaded from Shep's place.
1st place in the "unofficial" French Computer Chess Championship (April 99).
Chess Tiger version 11.8 won the tournament with an impressive score of 6 points out of 7.
Tiger was using the book of Rebel 10. It was also running on one of the fastest computers:
a P2 overclocked to 504MHz.
CHESS TIGER enters the SSDF list (September '99).

Version 11.8 was given to the Swedish and tested on slow Pentium-90 machines. Chess Tiger
clear showed its superior strength as it tops the Pentium-90 list with 43 elo points ahead
on the number two Rebel 9.0. Here is a snip from the list:
21 Chess Tiger 11.8 Pentium 90 MHz 2483 54 -52 178 57% 2435
22 Gandalf 3.0 64MB P200 MMX 2468 41 -40 307 59% 2400
23 Kallisto II 64MB P200 MMX 2446 35 -35 403 52% 2431
24 Rebel 9.0 Pentium 90 MHz 2440 23 -23 890 47% 2461
25 Hiarcs 6.0 Pentium 90 MHz 2437 18 -18 1437 51% 2433
26 Genius 5.0 DOS Pentium 90 MHz 2431 18 -18 1465 48% 2444
27 MChess Pro 6.0 Pentium 90 MHz 2414 17 -17 1669 46% 2441
28 Nimzo 3.5 Pentium 90 MHz 2397 22 -22 998 46% 2426
29 Junior 4.0 Pentium 90 MHz 2392 22 -22 1012 43% 2443
30 Chessmaster 5000 Pentium 90 MHz 2388 49 -45 240 67% 2262
31 Shredder 1.0 Pentium 90 MHz 2385 59 -58 145 53% 2366
32 R30 v. 2.5 2371 43 -40 303 66% 2255
33 CometA90 64MB P200 MMX 2357 37 -39 358 36% 2456
34 WChess 1.06 Pentium 90 MHz 2335 20 -20 1222 39% 2412
35 Fritz 4.0 Pentium 90 MHz 2334 40 -39 324 60% 2263
For all the chess fans this news came as a big hammer as it logical to assume that Chess Tiger
will top the SSDF list on the fastest hardware category too (which is 450 Mhz) when Chess Tiger
is tested on 450 Mhz machines. Since it is the goal of the SSDF to find out about the
best computer-computer player we hope to see Chess Tiger 11.8 on the next list in the 450 Mhz
category too. Congrats Christophe!
Tournament XXI (SHEP CHAMPIONSHIP '99) (September '99).
Time control: 40/120. Hardware: two Pentium III-550, 256 MB. Comment by Shep: After 3 months
in one of the longest tournaments ever on SCCS, Rebel 10 won the Shep Championship '99
(40/120 on 2xPIII-550, 256 MB) with a score of 7/11.
Rebel 10.0 EOC 7.0 (4 wins)
Chess Tiger 11.8.2 6.5 (4 wins)
Chess Tiger 11.5 6.5 (4 wins)
Fritz 5.32 6.0 (4 wins)
Shredder 3.0 6.0 (4 wins)
Chessmaster 5555 5.5 (3 wins)*
Nimzo 99a 5.5 (2 wins)
Junior 5.0 5.5 (3 wins)
Hiarcs 7.32 4.5 (1 win)
Chessmaster 6000 4.5 (1 win)*
Chess System Tal 2.50 4.0 (0 wins)
Little Goliath 2.05 3.5 (2 wins)
Although the winner of this super strong tournament is good old Rebel10 Chess Tiger second and
third place are remarkable as it in EVERY tournament shows it can easily compete on the
highest level. All details on Shep's pages
The 99 Summer Tournament (September '99).
Pentium 200MMX, 16Mb hash when possible, 60min/game. Didzis Cirulis reports:Somebody says that
Chess Tiger (II place) and REBEL (III) will challenge Shredder very soon to see "who is the
BOSS in Didzis computer".
1. Shredder 2.0 12.0
2. Chess Tiger 11.8.2 11.5
3. Rebel 10a 11.0
4. Fritz 5.32 10.0
Hiarcs 7.32
Chess System Tal 2.50+2.03
Chessmaster 6666
Chessmaster 6000
5. Genius 6 9.5
6. Junior 5 9.0
7. Nimzo 99 7.0
All details on the Didzis Cirulis pages
Rebel-Tiger during the French computer Chess Championship (September 99)
TIGER recently tied the first place in the French Computer Chess Championship (September 99)
and during that tournament REBEL-TIGER was given the opportunity to play a simultaneous game
against GM Joël Lautier (FIDE 2638 Elo) and won its game! GM Joël Lautier played 4 computers
simultaneously. The game:
[Event "Simultaneous game against Lautier"]
[Site "Clichy"]
[Date "1999.10.09"]
[White "Rebel Tiger"]
[Black "GM Joël Lautier"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 d6 4. O-O Bd7 5. Re1 Nf6 6. c3 a6 7. Bxc6 Bxc6
8. d4 cxd4 9. cxd4 Bxe4 10. Nc3 Bxf3 11. Qxf3 e6 12. Qxb7 Qc8 13. Qf3 Be7
14. d5 e5 15. Bg5 O-O 16. Ne4 Nxd5 17. Nxd6 Qe6 18. Rad1 Bxg5 19. Rxd5 Bf6
20. b3 Rad8 21. Qd1 Qd7 22. Qd3 Qc6 23. Rd1 Rd7 24. Ne4 Rxd5 25. Qxd5 Qxd5
26. Rxd5 Be7 27. Rxe5 Rc8 28. Kf1 Bb4 29. Rd5 h6 30. Rd4 Rc1+ 31. Ke2 a5
32. Rc4 Ra1 33. Rc2 f5 34. Nd2 Kf7 35. Nf3 Kf6 36. Kd3 Rf1 37. Ke3 Ke6
38. Nd4+ Ke5 39. f4+ Kd5 40. Nxf5 Bc5+ 41. Kd3 Rxf4 42. Nxg7 Rd4+
43. Kc3 Rf4 44. Rd2+ Ke5 45. Re2+ Kd5 46. Ne6 Bb4+ 47. Kd3 Rf1 48. Nc7+ Kd6
49. Nb5+ Kc6 50. Nc3 Rc1 51. Rc2 Rh1 52. g3 Rf1 53. Kd4 Bc5+ 54. Ke5 Bd6+
55. Ke6 Ba3 56. Ne4+ Kb6 57. Nd6 Re1+ 58. Kd7 1-0
Enrique Irazoqui, former chief editor of CCR reports, on October 17th 1999
in CCC reports:
Results I have so far at 60 moves in 30 minutes:
Tiger - Nimzo 732 15.5 - 8.5
Tiger - Fritz 532 9.5 - 6.5
Tiger - Fritz 6 14.5 - 5.5
Tiger - Junior 5 8.0 - 8.0
Tiger - Hiarcs 732 10.5 - 5.5
Tiger scored 63%, which is roughly 100 Elo above the average of the other 5
programs. That's a huge difference. We'll see how this continues.
Enrique's games can be downloaded HERE
8th Thüringer computer chess tourmanent (November '99)
Every year german computer chess enthusiastics meat in Thüringer (Germany) to play a serious
tournament during 6-7 days between the strongest chess programs available. This year the
time control was set to 3 hours for the whole game. The final result:
1. Rebel Century 5.0
2. Rebel Tiger 5.0
3. Fritz 6 4.5
4. Junior 6 4.5
5. Genius 6.5 4.5
6. Zarkow 5.01 4.0
7. Shredder 4 4.0
8. Hiarcs 7,32 3.5
9. Little Goliath 2000 3.0
10. WChess 2000 3.0
11. M-Chess Pro 8 3.0
12. Chessmaster 6000 3.0
13. Chess System Tal II 2.5
14. Nimzo 7.32 2.5
15. Diep II 2.0
16. Virtual Chess II 2.0
The games in PGN format can be downloaded HERE
With special thanks to Marcus Kästner of ChessBits who provided the games. The 8th Thüringer
tournament will be reviewed in the next issue of ChessBits
Thoralf Karlsson chairman of the SSDF (November '99)
THE SSDF RATING LIST 1999-11-26 69727 games played by 202 computers
Rating + - Games Won Oppo
------ --- --- ----- --- ----
1 Chess Tiger 12.0 DOS 128MB K6-2 450 MHz 2696 44 -40 317 72% 2533
2 Fritz 5.32 128MB K6-2 450 MHz 2671 45 -41 297 72% 2506
3 Nimzo 7.32 128MB K6-2 450 MHz 2663 37 -35 409 69% 2526
4 Nimzo 99 128MB K6-2 450 MHz 2644 52 -48 214 67% 2520
5 Hiarcs 7.32 128MB K6-2 450 MHz 2636 42 -39 320 67% 2509
6 Junior 5.0 128MB K6-2 450 MHz 2619 54 -50 190 65% 2508
The good result for Chess Tiger 11.8 on P90 made us very curious about what Christophe Therons
latest program could achieve on faster hardware. Now we know!
After 317 tournament games Chess Tiger 12.0 DOS K6-2 450 MHz has taken the first place on the
rating list! It's rating is 2696, which is 25 points more than Fritz 5.32 has on the same
hardware! Very impressing!
As can be seen SSDF has played with a DOS-version of Chess Tiger. Will the final commercial
Windows-version Rebel-Tiger be slower and therefore weaker? No, surprisingly the opposite
seems to be the case! Windows does slow the program down with 2-3%, but since the Windows
compiler is better than the DOS-compiler, the net effect is a speed advantage for the Windows
version. Our preliminary tests with a beta-version indicates that the Windows version is
about 8-10% faster at three minutes per move.
Chess Tiger wins the AMD tournament
(February 2000)
Heinz-Josef Schumacher reports:
Hardware AMD K6-3/400, hash tables max. 64 MB, 2 GB Table Bases, Time control 30
moves in 2 hours.
1. Rebel-Tiger 6.0/10
2. Fritz 6a 5.5/10
3-4. Shredder 4.0 5.0/10
Nimzo 7.32 5.0/10
5. Hiarcs 7.32 4.5/10
6. Junior 6a 4.0/10
More info on the ChessBits site.
Heiko's Monsters of Chess 2000: Tiger wins
(February 2000)
Heiko Mikala reports:
Heiko's Monsters of Chess 2000 (14 top programs on IBM 300/128, double round
robin at game in 60 minutes, pondering enabled)
Source: Computer Chess Club
Final standings
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
1 Rebel Tiger ** 00 0½ ½½ 1½ ½1 ½½ ½1 1½ 11 ½1 1½ 11 ½1 17.0/26
2 Fritz 6 11 ** 11 10 ½½ ½1 ½0 ½1 ½½ ½½ ½1 11 10 0½ 16.5/26
3 Junior 6.0 1½ 00 ** 00 11 11 01 01 ½½ 11 1½ 0½ 00 11 14.5/26
4 Hiarcs 7.32 ½½ 01 11 ** ½0 ½½ 01 ½½ 10 ½½ 10 10 10 11 14.5/26
5 WChess 2000 v1.2 0½ ½½ 00 ½1 ** ½1 00 ½0 1½ ½1 10 ½1 11 11 14.5/26
6 Fritz 6 CD1 ½0 ½0 00 ½½ ½0 ** 11 01 ½1 1½ ½1 ½0 11 10 13.5/26
7 Rebel Century 1.0 ½½ ½1 10 10 11 00 ** 01 0½ 00 ½0 ½½ ½1 11 13.0/26
8 Shredder 4.00 ½0 ½0 10 ½½ ½1 10 10 ** 10 ½½ 0½ ½½ 11 10 13.0/26
9 MChess Pro 8 0½ ½½ ½½ 01 0½ ½0 1½ 01 ** 1½ 10 01 00 ½1 12.0/26
10 Nimzo 7.32 00 ½½ 00 ½½ ½0 0½ 11 ½½ 0½ ** 11 1½ 10 10 12.0/26
11 Genius 5 ½0 ½0 0½ 01 01 ½0 ½1 1½ 01 00 ** ½1 ½½ ½½ 11.5/26
12 CM6000 0½ 00 1½ 01 ½0 ½1 ½½ ½½ 10 0½ ½0 ** 1½ 00 10.5/26
13 Genius 6.5 00 01 11 01 00 00 ½0 00 11 01 ½½ 0½ ** 01 10.0/26
14 Zarkov 5.0 ½0 1½ 00 00 00 01 00 01 ½0 01 ½½ 11 10 ** 9.5/26
(182 games)
Last update March 2, 2000