
- Rebel vs Yusupov -

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From June 2 till June 5,1997 Rebel in Italy on the island Ischia will play 18 games against TOP12 player Arthur Yusupov

June2 10 blitz games (5 minutes)
June3 5 semi blitz games (15 minutes)
June4 2 active chess games (30 minutes)
June5 1 one hour game

Used hardware by Rebel
  • The new Pentium-II at 266 Mhz
  • 64 Mb EDO Ram
  • 512 Kb second level cache
  • Expected NPS about 100,000!

  • Final standing of the match

    REBEL-Yusupov 10½ - 6½

    After the match Yusupov said the following about his computer opponent:

  • Rebel is a very strong program.

  • In all 17 games Rebel played sensible moves. I never saw Rebel playing one senseless move as I have seen Deep Blue playing some in the recent match against Kasparov.

  • We the Schröder BV want to thank Arthur Yusupov for his kind words about Rebel.

    Moreover a rematch for next year was suggested by our Italian sponsor and both Arthur Yusupov and the Schröder BV accepted the offer!

    REBEL Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 YUSUPOV
    10½ 6 - 1 2½-2½ 1 - 2 1 - 1

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