REBEL matches are played on the fastest PC's in the world Rebel Company is able to get. Since
the match against GM Anand (1998) Rebel Company uses the
KryoTech cool computing systems.
Year | Event | PC | Speed (positions per second) |
1998 | Anand vs Rebel | KryoTech AMD K6-II 450 Mhz | 150,000 - 200,000 |
1999 | GM challenge | KryoTech AMD K6-III 600 Mhz | 250,000 - 300,000 |
2000 | GM challenge | KryoTech Athlon 1000 Mhz | 350,000 - 400,000 |
For a comparison between INTEL, CYRIX and AMD chips visit the Rebel Bench
Mark page.
More details about this super Pc can be found on the
KryoTech pages.