
- REBEL engine files -

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[PERSONALITY: REBEL 10.5]              * range 1 - 500 (default = 100)

[Pawn Value = 100]                     * 200 -> will double its value

[Knight Value = 100]                   *  50 -> will divide its value by 2

[Bishop Value = 100]                   * 105 -> will slightly increase

[Rook Value = 100]

[Queen Value = 100]

[King Safety = 100]                    * increase/decrease King Safety

[Mobility = 100]                       * increase/decrease Mobility

[Pawn Structure = 100]                 * increase/decrease Pawn Structure

[Passed Pawns = 100]                   * increase/decrease Passed Pawns

[Pins = 100]                           * increase/decrease Pins

[Bishop Pair = 100]                    * increase/decrease Bishop Pair

[Chess Knowledge = 100]                * Chess Knowledge above 100 will 

                                         result in more accurate positional

                                         play but a lower search depth.

                                         Chess Knowledge below 100 will 

                                         result in less accurate positional

                                         play but a higher search depth.

[Attractiveness = 100]                 * increase/decrease Attractiveness

                                         Attractiveness above 100 will 

                                         result in spectacular play.

                                         Attractiveness below 100 will 

                                         result in boring play.

[Attacking = 100]                      * Attacking above 100 will result

                                         in tactical positions on the

                                         board. Attacking below 100 will

                                         do the opposite (avoid tactics)


[Strength of Play = 100]               * REBEL's strength (range 1-100)

[Draw Contempt Factor = 0.00]          * Possibilities:









[Selective Search = 100]               * increase/decrease Selection

                                         Selective Search above 100 will 

                                         result faster search by aggressive

                                         pruning techniques.

                                         Selective Search below 100 will 

                                         result in a slower search but

                                         search is more reliable.


[Search Technique = NORMAL]            * modify REBEL'S way of search

                                         NORMAL    (default setting)

                                         RISKY     (faster search)

                                         OVERNIGHT (overnight analysis)

                                         DEEP      (deep extensions)

                                         DEEPER    (deeper extensions)

                                         DEEPEST   (deepest extensions)