
- 1BELCT2001 -
First Berliner Emanuel-Lasker Computerchess-Tournament 2001

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The First Berliner Emanuel-Lasker Computerchess-Tournament 2001 is held in Berlin from 29 September till October 3. The adress of the event: Takustrasse 9, D-14195 Berlin, Germany.

The best chess programs of the World will play a seven round Swiss Tournament, lectures about computerchess, social events, sight seeing. Also a PDA/Pocket-PC tourmanent will be played.

On this page you can read more, results will reported.

The goal of the organizers is to make this tournament a fixed yearly event on which Rebel Company only can applaud.

  DATE         DAY        Time / Round

29.09.2001   Saturday     12am-4pm #1     Event1         Event2

30.09.2001   Sunday       10am-2pm #2     3pm-7pm #3     Event3

01.10.2001   Monday       Event4          3pm-7pm #4     Event5

02.10.2001   Tuesday      10am-2pm #5     3pm-7pm #6     Event6

03.10.2001   Wednesday    10am-2pm #7     Ceremony, Closing

  • Time control: 40/90 rest in 30' (4h per game)
  • Tournament : 7 rounds swiss-system

    Other Events

  • Lecture: FU Prof. Rojas about chessprogram of Konrad Zuses
  • Lecture: Mr. Wagner about Emanuel Lasker and chess/computerchess
  • Social Event: Dinner to meet each other in person.

  • Simultaneous event: GM/IM vs. few chessprograms + a few VIPs +chess-youth+kiebitze.

  • Sight-seeing event: Potsdam forrest of castle Sanssouci or alternatively (rainy weather) sight seeing in bus through Berlin: Reichstag, Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charly, Brandenburger Gate, Alexander-Platz, Museum Island...
  • PDA/Pocket-PC chess-tournament I.

  • PDA/Pocket-PC chess-tournament II.

  • Ceremony for winner, Congratulations, ranking.
    Winner PDA/Pocket-PC chess tournament vs. Winner PC-tournament.

  • Participants List
    Program           Status            Country        Programmer
    1.Gambit-Tiger    single            Guadeloupe     Christophe Theron
    2.Rebel-Century   single            Netherlands    Ed Schröder
    3.Patzer          multi-processor   Germany        Roland Pfister
    4.Zarkov          single            USA            John Stanback
    5.Matador         single            Germany        Stefan Knappe
    6.Bringer         single            Germany        Gerrit Reubold
    7.Yace            single            Germany        Dieter Buerssner
    8.Quark           single            Germany        Thomas Mayer
    9.Isichess        single            Germany        Gerd Isenberg
    10.Neurologic     single            Germany        Jochen Peussner

    Participants in the PDA/Pocket-PC-Tournament
    Program           Class             Country        Programmer
    1.Pocket Fritz    Pocket-PC         Germany        Stefan Meyer-Kahlen
    2.Gambit-Tiger    Palm              Guadeloupe     Christophe Theron
    3.Pocket Chess    Palm              USA            Scott Ludwig
    4.Purple Chess    Palm              Great Britain       ?
    There will be titles for each class of machine. Best Pocket-PC + the best Palm-program. The winner of each class have to fight against each other in a playoff game which program is the strongest chess program in all classes. So there will be one absolute strongest chess program and a best PC-program, a best pocket-PC-program and a best Palm-program altogether.

    Live support    

    PALTALK is a freeware utility to chat online, it also offers the possibility for Webcam support. It is the intention of the organizers to have Webcam and chat support during the whole tournament so that you can follow the games live and in the meantime can talk with people that are logged-in too.

    Download PALTALK by clicking on the logo. The group-name (created by PALTALK) you need to log-in will be posted when available on Rebel-Board and on the Computer Chess Club

    Results and Games

      Place  Name                       Sco      MBch Buch Ws
       1-2   Chess Tiger 14.6           5.0       20½  28   4
             REBEL (Maastricht)         5.0       17½  23   4
       3-5   YACE                       4.5       19½  26   3
             ZARKOV 4.5T                4.5       16½  22   4
             PATZER                     4.5       15½  21   2
         6   BRINGER                    4.0       16½  22   2
         7   QUARK                      3.0       22½  28   1
         8   ISICHESS                   2.5       19   24½  1
         9   NEUROLOGIC                 1.5       20   25½  0
        10   LOKAL-MATADOR              0.5       18½  25   0
    Download all games in PGN format

    Organization and Sponsors

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    Since November 23, 1995