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REBEL CENTURY 4.0 is the latest masterpiece of top programmer Ed Schröder. Rebel Century 4.0 runs under its own well-known DOS interface directly launched from your Windows desktop.

Rebel is one of the strongest and most complete chess programs in the world. Rebel is famous for its playing strength and especially for its deep positional understanding. Its analysis and game play are highly reliable and what make Rebel play especially well against strong human chess players.

In the latest version 4.0, its positional playing style is kept while brand new software is added to better understand upcoming king attacks, this as the ultimate preparation for an upcoming match against a world top-10 player which will be announced later. A few examples of Rebel's new understanding of king attacks are presented below.

Rebel Century 4.0 comes as part of the GANDALF 5.0 volume package.

Some Screenshots:


  • A much stronger chess engine.
  • On average 35% faster than Rebel Century 3.0
  • Much better king safety handling.
  • More stabile search due to the implementation of the null-move technique.

  • New updated opening book by Jeroen Noomen.

  • Analyze selected games (analyze more than 1 game).
  • Analyze database (analyze EPD alike).
  • Analyze game now analyses 4 candidate moves (was 2 moves).
  • Improved Personalities (new possibilities).
  • Improved engine-engine play (more flexible).

  • Compatibilty and System Requirements

  • Rebel Century 4.0 will run fine on every PC, even on old 80386-80486 PC's.
  • Minimum available memory 16 Mb.
  • Cdrom.
  • Hard disk free space needed 15 Mb.
  • Supported Operating Systems: MSDOS6, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000.

  • REBEL CENTURY 4.0 is NOT compatible with Windows XP!


    Some random examples how Rebel Century 4.0 now plays the king attack in comparison to version 3.

    Download the positions in PGN.

    Game start 5 back 1 back 1 forward 5 forward Game end Flip board Autoplay


    ECM - Nxg7!

    Comparison Rebel Century 4 vs version 3.0 - 2000

    1. Nxg7

    Rebel Century 3 - not after 10:00
    Rebel Century 4 - 0:21



    Game start 5 back 1 back 1 forward 5 forward Game end Flip board Autoplay


    ECM - Bd2!

    Comparison Rebel Century 4 vs version 3.0 - 2000

    1... Bd2

    Rebel Century 3 - 0:12
    Rebel Century 4 - 0:01



    Game start 5 back 1 back 1 forward 5 forward Game end Flip board Autoplay


    ECM - Bxe5+

    Comparison Rebel Century 4 vs version 3.0 - 2000

    1. Bxe5+

    Rebel Century 3 - 0:35
    Rebel Century 4 - 0:05



    Game start 5 back 1 back 1 forward 5 forward Game end Flip board Autoplay


    ECM - Bxh6!

    Comparison Rebel Century 4 vs version 3.0 - 2000

    1. Bxh6

    Rebel Century 3 - 0:10
    Rebel Century 4 - 0:01



    Game start 5 back 1 back 1 forward 5 forward Game end Flip board Autoplay


    Kallisto - Rebel 6.0

    Comparison Rebel Century 4 vs version 3.0 - 1998

    1. Nf6+

    Rebel Century 3 - 0:18
    Rebel Century 4 - 0:02



    Game start 5 back 1 back 1 forward 5 forward Game end Flip board Autoplay


    King Attack (1) - Bxh3!

    Comparison Rebel Century 4 vs version 3.0 - 2000

    1... Bxh3

    Rebel Century 3 - 1:07
    Rebel Century 4 - 0:02



    Game start 5 back 1 back 1 forward 5 forward Game end Flip board Autoplay


    King Attack (2) - Bxh3!

    Comparison Rebel Century 4 vs version 3.0 - 2000

    1... Bxh3

    Rebel Century 3 - 0:47
    Rebel Century 4 - 0:01



    Game start 5 back 1 back 1 forward 5 forward Game end Flip board Autoplay


    King Attack (3) - Rxh4!

    Comparison Rebel Century 4 vs version 3.0 - 1998

    1... Rxh4

    Rebel Century 3 - not after 10:00
    Rebel Century 4 - 0:24



    Game start 5 back 1 back 1 forward 5 forward Game end Flip board Autoplay


    Rebel Century 1.0 - GM M. Rohde

    Comparison Rebel Century 4 vs version 3.0 - 1998

    1. Rxb4

    Rebel Century 3 - 0:43
    Rebel Century 4 - 0:01


    The Rebel Home Page has been visited times.
    Since November 23, 1995