Features (the major ones)
- New Play Chess using Internet
Being one of the first, REBEL-TIGER offers the possibility to play
against people anywhere on the globe. Using Chess Servers, you can
challenge and play against others or other computer chess programs
without the hassle of using a difficult user interface that
characterizes most Chess Servers.

Click picture to enlarge (6 kb)
Also possible to play without Chess Servers to other owners of REBEL-TIGER,
all you need to know is your friends IP address, this can be done via ICQ.
Also included are the timeseal and timestamp program which are used with
the Chess Servers to compensate for 'net lag' Now you never have to lose
a game on time!
- Winboard adapter
The Winboard adapter allows you to use the REBEL-TIGER interface
with any Winboard compatible chess engine. The are many engine
available on the Internet, most of them are free.
- New 3D Chess board
Increase the fun level of play with the 3D chess sets. Additional sets
are downloadable from this web site or..., can be produced by yourself!

Click picture to see real size (48k)
Of course it's also possible to have a clear 2d board. A number of 2d
chess sets are available.
- Opening book
REBEL-TIGER opening book is a variation of Rebel Century's opening book created
by Jeroen Noomen playing those opening lines that suits REBEL-TIGER best.
One of the main advantages of REBEL books is that it contains a lot
grandmaster analysis on critical positions of human theory.
REBEL-TIGER will play these grandmaster analysis too and therefore REBEL-TIGER is even
able to surprise the most experienced GM experts in opening theory since most of these
lines are not tried in GM tournaments.

Click picture to enlarge (10 kb)
- Analysis
Using REBEL-TIGER you can analyze positions or even entire games.
REBEL-TIGER's findings can be annotated in the moves list and/or
kept in a file. These annotations can also be printed or copied to the
clipboard for use in DTP or text-processor apps.
- Printing
Create professional looking reports using a true-type figurine font.
Various reports can be printed, with or without diagrams, including
you own annotations.
- Copy and Paste
If the standard printing and reporting facilities are not enough, then
using the Windows clipboard you can copy and paste games to your
favorite text-processor, various formats are supported; text, bitmaps,
true-type fonts.
- Database
REBEL-TIGER contains a powerful database capable of handling
millions of games, you can search on player, opening, tournament and
a date range. You can also read or write games in PGN format.

Click picture to enlarge (138 kb)
- Game histogram
The game histogram windows gives a graphical overview of the scores
in the game, this make it easy to spot where you made a mistake.
Clicking on that spot brings you to that position in the game.

Click picture to enlarge (9.5 kb)
- Speaks to you
If you wish REBEL-TIGER can say the moves it plays.
- Screenshot REBEL-TIGER (using the 3-D board)

Click picture to see real size (152k)
- Screenshot REBEL-TIGER (using one of the many 2-D boards)

Click picture to see real size (48k)
Related Links
- REBEL-TIGER introduction
- REBEL-TIGER feature list
- REBEL-TIGER chess engine
- Download ChessPartner 4.1
- Latest news