REBEL-TIGER is the long awaited Windows 95/98/NT version of the Chess Tiger chess engine
from programmer Christophe Théron.
REBEL-TIGER fully supports all typical Windows functions like the Windows clipboard
so games or results can be easily exported to other applications.
REBEL-TIGER comes with internet connection to your favorite chess server, the
most popular ones are pre-programmed and one mouse click is sufficient to log-in and play.
Features (just to name a few)
- Online play
- 2D and 3D chess boards
- Chess Database
- PGN import/export
- 100% 32-bit (Win95 / WinNT)
- Strong chess engine
- Toolbars
- Score histogram
- Winboard adapter
- Print diagrams
Some Basics
REBEL-TIGER is a full 32-bit standard Windows 95/98/NT application. It
supports all the Windows standards such as:
- Screen-items are RIGHT-clickable. That is if you click RIGHT on a
screen-item all its function are directly available (without the need to
search in the pull-down menu's).
- All screen-items can be dropped anywhere on your screen just drag
and drop, the normal Windows rules apply. This even is true for the
button-bar on top.
- You can re-size all screen-items to your favorite size (Windows
standard rules)
- REBEL-TIGER supports all kind of standard Windows "copy & paste"
possibilities to export data to other applications.
- REBEL-TIGER supports multiple in-line nested comments.
- REBEL-TIGER supports long filenames.
Related Links
REBEL-TIGER introduction
REBEL-TIGER feature list
REBEL-TIGER chess engine
Download ChessPartner 4.1
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